LNJ Electrics
Josh came to me initially with a logo development request for his new business, requesting a design which incorporated the initials J, L and N, and also a design which worked around the idea of a plug or electrical item in order to reflect the company's line of business. I presented several ideas, of which the simple insignia was chosen.
Once the company brand identity was decided we then discussed which other assets he could consider for the new business including website through to company branded work wear.
This resulted in the design and launch of the LNJ Electrics website, business cards, branded work-wear t-shirts, social media icons, email signature, templates for quotes/invoices and van signage, from product concept through to liaising with suppliers and print delivery or digital management.
I continue to act as admin for the LNJ Electrics website and also provide ad-hoc digital or design services for the company.